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Is it okay to worry?

By 18:42 ,

Hi there, 

I've been thinking about being someone who worries. Constantly. I even worry about worrying. Here's a brief list of things that worry me every day:

1. What other people think.
2. What I think about other people.
3. Losing something that matters.
4. Not doing anything with my life.
5. The future.
6. University; work, grades, everything.
7. Having to leave my house and not doing anything important. 
8. Savings.
9. Time management
10. Do I worry too much? 

Somehow, through all of those, it's the last one that I normally go to bed with. The fact that I worry about being worried. Everyone always tells you to destress, to stop and breathe, that worrying is bad for your health. After many years of being a worrier I'm actually here to tell you that it's okay. 

Having concerns is only human and I've found worrying about all these things makes me a better person. Caring about what others think is okay if it pushes you to be nicer, kinder or careful. First impressions of people will stick with you and that's good if it makes you believe you can break it. Having anguish over losing something that matters to you usually will drive you into actually doing things to keep it with you. Basically, every single worry will normally push you into acting to stop whatever it is from happening, it will make you better. 

What makes us worry is the unknown, and the unknown is amazing, it's so much better than the granted. Stop the stigma that worrying makes everything worse, stop the idea that being concerned makes you innactive: you can make it active. 

It means you care, it means you'll work for things. Contrary to popular belief, anguish is not always bad, worry does not make you sick; it makes you human. All the best ideas, all the best creations start by one common thing: wanting to solve a problem. That problem is your worry, that worry is the best thing that's happened to you. That unknown is going to drive you to be the absolute best version of yourself you can be. Don't be afraid to be concerned. 

Talk to you soon, 
Natalia xx 

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